Sunday, December 8, 2013


Newspaper black out was one of my favorite things that we did. so here are some of the ones that i have seen and really liked.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

change something for a week

What if you had to go a week without something in your life? something like your phone or your ipod or even watching tv, could you do it? what would you go a week with out? i would try and go a week without my phone and see how hard it is not having it with you. i use my phone a lot and i use it daily i think it would be super hard to do but i think it could be done if i could find something else to do with my time like spent more time with family or go do things with friends. i think now a days everyone is so addicted to phones and tv and ipods we need to change things around and do stuff with our lives and stop sitting around and do nothing! so i think this next week i am going to try and go a week without my phone and see how long i can do it for! i challenge you to go a week without something in your life! 

It's been a crapy day...